
“Influencer” Asks for a Free Car from Company… Here’s What’s in Return

An employee at a vehicle financing company was left astonished when one of those who identify themselves as “influencers” on social media requested a free car.

The employee, who works at a car financing company in Britain, shared her story on the social media platform Reddit.

According to the British newspaper “Daily Mail,” the employee stated that she received an email from a woman claiming to have 33,000 followers on Instagram, in which the woman mentioned that she couldn’t afford the costs of buying a new car.

The employee posted a screenshot of the message she received.

And this woman, who withheld her name, added that she would be grateful if the company granted her a new car or lent her one once she passed the driving test.

The 32-year-old woman, a mother of two, stated that she would reciprocate the favor to the company by promoting it through posts on her “Instagram” account.

Unfortunately for this “influencer,” the company rejected her offer.

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