
Iran raises the possibility of widening the conflict in the Middle East and affirms its readiness 

Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Air Force, stated: Iran “has reached the peak of power, and Washington does not threaten Iran but addresses it in the language of request and plea.”

He added: Americans do not threaten Iran, and sometimes they would contact us three times in one night, speaking in the language of request and plea.

Hajizadeh mentioned in a press statement reported by the official IRNA agency: “The victory achieved by the resistant fighters in the Gaza Strip cannot be erased,” referring to an operation carried out by Palestinian factions on October 7th, and they are triumphant, and the world will see that in the future. He pointed out that the scope of the war has expanded, and Lebanon has entered the conflict, and the conflicts could escalate further, and the future is unclear, but Iran is prepared for all circumstances.

He continued: “If the war in Gaza continues for another month, they will not achieve any accomplishment other than increasing the number of their casualties.” He expected Israel to “move astronomically” away from pre-war conditions. He said: “The helicopters that transport wounded soldiers have no chance to refuel, so they refuel in the air.”

Hajizadeh expressed his belief that “war expenses are increasing; the Americans themselves have considered themselves partners in Israel’s fate, and in the future, they will pay the price from the pockets of American taxpayers.” He also said: “Today, the axis of resistance is at work,” specifically referring to armed Iraqi groups and the Houthi group in Yemen.

In recent days, U.S. forces targeted facilities in eastern Syria used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to train militia members and store weapons and ammunition.

The Middle East has been experiencing a state of tension since the beginning of last month, especially with the escalation of Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, clashes between the occupying state and the Lebanese Hezbollah, continuous targeting by the Houthi group in Yemen of several Israeli sites, Israeli airstrikes on some Syrian areas, amid neighboring countries’ concerns about the widening conflict.

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