Middle east

Iran’s economic crisis pushes Hezbollah to face a lack of funding

Lebanese media reported that Hezbollah is facing financial problems due to the situation in Iran, as it cannot import Iranian goods to sell at the expense of its supporters. Two years ago, the Lebanese Hezbollah distributed a card called “al-Sajjad” among the families of Hezbollah members to buy food items at a 60% discount in shops selling Iranian products; sources quoted by Lebanon’s Al-Janubiyah website say that shopping with the card is facing problems.

Major Physical Crisis

Iran International has confirmed that Iran is unable to send foodstuffs such as cooking oil and tea to Lebanon due to anti-regime protests and economic problems, including the sharp rise of the US dollar against its riyal currency. According to reports, the militant group Hezbollah has exchanged Iranian goods for Lebanese, Turkish and Indian materials for users of a carpet card. Makram Rabah, a Lebanese political activist, said in an interview with Iran International that the repercussions of the uprising of Iranians against the regime can now be seen in Lebanon.

He said: The dire situation of the Islamic Republic, as the biggest financial and political backer of Hezbollah, is making the group lose its ability to stand on its own feet. Earlier, some media outlets, including the Jerusalem Post, reported that the Islamic Republic’s Palestinian groups have also suffered a financial crisis due to the problems facing Iran.

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