
Johnny Depp willing to give up lawsuit money to help Amber Heard? His lawyers confide

Johnny Depp won his famous lawsuit against Amber Heard, his ex-wife, whom he accused of defamation after seeing her accuse him of domestic violence during their marriage. At the end of six weeks spent in a court in Virginia (USA), punctuated by numerous important testimonies, the jury has indeed recognized that the actress of Aquaman 2 had defamed the comedian through three statements considered to be “false” and imagined with “a real wickedness“.

Amber Heard too poor to pay Johnny Depp fines

But that’s not all, accused of having “despised the truth knowing that the statements were probably false“, Amber Heard was also sentenced to a $10 million fine for compensatory damagesbut also to a $5 million fine for punitive damages (which was actually reduced to $350,000 due to a specific law in Virginia), to serve as an example.

The problem ? As the actress’s lawyer recently confided, she would not be able to pay such sums, the fault of a career still too fruitless, even though she had received 7 million dollars at following their divorce in May 2016. And when we know that it is already rumored that this sentence could see her quickly blacklisted in Hollywood (and therefore limit her sources of income), we understand that the situation could quickly become stressful for she.

The actor ready to give up the money?

Unless… For the first time since the end of the trial, Johnny Depp’s defense team spoke about this victory and the honor of their client. And to that effect, attorney Ben Chew hinted that an agreement could be reached, “Obviously, we cannot break the professional secrecy which binds the discussions between a client and his lawyer, but as he himself testified and as it has been repeated [lui et l’avocate Camilla Vasquez, ndlr] During the trial, it was never about money for Mr. Depp. The objective was to restore its reputation“.

A relief for the actress? Yes, but be careful. First, nothing says that Johnny Depp will actually turn down the money. Second, it could be done conditionally. While the actress would like to appeal, the show’s journalist Good Morning America asked if their client’s generosity might be conditioned on her changing her mind and giving up. Their response ? “We have to be careful what we say, but again, this lawsuit was mostly for Mr. Depp’s reputation. [La vérité] was what mattered to him“.

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