
Lactose Intolerance… How Does Milk Become an Enemy?

Millions of people worldwide struggle to digest milk and dairy products, a condition that can suddenly appear, even in individuals who previously had no issues. What causes this, and how can it be managed?

Nutritionist Dr. Adelina Moryasova explains that around 65% of adults experience a decrease in lactase production—the enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose, the sugar found in milk and dairy products. When this enzyme is insufficient, lactose is not properly digested, leading to digestive issues such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort.

She adds that lactose intolerance is not always a permanent condition; it can develop after illness, stress, or hormonal changes, which reduce the body’s lactase production. Common symptoms include nausea, intestinal rumbling, a feeling of heaviness, and digestive disturbances after consuming dairy products.

To accurately diagnose this condition, a hydrogen breath test is used: the patient drinks a lactose solution on an empty stomach, and the level of hydrogen in exhaled air is measured. If hydrogen levels rise, it indicates poor lactose absorption, leading to fermentation in the intestines.

Dr. Moryasova advises individuals with severe lactose intolerance to completely avoid dairy products and certain foods that contain lactose, such as pastries and some sauces.

However, experts highlight that solutions exist, such as lactose-free dairy products: modern technologies allow lactose to be removed from milk without altering its taste or nutritional value.

Lastly, for those who do not want to give up dairy, lactase enzyme supplements can be taken to help facilitate digestion.

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