
Major progress in Yemeni consultations in Riyadh. Analysts: A fatal blow to the Houthi terrorist militia

Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council have achieved great success in concluding the Yemeni consultations held in Riyadh over the past few days, demonstrating Riyadh’s significant role in stabilizing and protecting Yemen from the Houthi militia, which has rejected peace consultations, sitting at the dialog table, and continuing its absurd plans targeting the security and stability of Yemen and the region as a whole.

Saudi Arabia is the basis of stability

Abdulhafeez Nahari, a Yemeni political analyst, said: Through these consultations, Saudi Arabia is striving to ensure the stability of the Yemeni State and to protect it from Iran’s plans, which are being carried out by the Houthi militia in Yemen. It is also trying to intimidate Yemenis with a view to undermining Yemen’s security.

He added: The Yemeni consultations made progress in unifying the word of the Yemenis, reaching an agreement for the unity and stability of Yemen, and confronting any dangers facing the state from Iran and the Houthis who want to destroy the stability of the state by terrorizing the Yemeni people.

Houthi plot foiled

Yemeni analyst Adel al-Shibhi said: “The great success of the Saudi-sponsored Yemeni consultations and the Gulf Cooperation Council is due to Saudi support for Yemen’s stability and countering the threat of terrorism and Iran’s plans in Yemen”.

The Yemeni analyst added: The Yemeni consultations and their success will be the strongest blow to the Houthis after they refused to sit at the dialog table despite their continuous calls, which confirms and shows the terrorist group’s plans in Yemen.

The Yemeni-Yemeni consultations held under the auspices of the Gulf Cooperation Council in Riyadh witnessed progress and a noticeable consensus in all areas. These challenges were discussed before the government of Yemeni professionals and appropriate solutions were studied.

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