Middle east

Media professionals: Egypt and the UAE, a pivotal partnership for supporting Arab efforts and facing challenges

The partnership between Egypt and the UAE is pivotal in supporting Arab efforts and confronting challenges. Egyptian-Emirati relations are extensive and deeply rooted, spanning over 50 years. The friendship between the two countries has evolved, with the shared motto of “One Heart,” celebrated during the commemoration of 50 years of their relations.

Recently, Egypt celebrated the inauguration of the New Alamein City, where Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the United Arab Emirates, was a prominent attendee. His presence added momentum and significance to the celebrations, highlighting his value and the pride of the Egyptian people in him.

Warm Welcome

President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi warmly welcomed Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, in New Alamein City. A fraternal meeting between the two leaders took place, reaffirming the strength of the distinguished relationship between the two sisterly countries. Discussions focused on enhancing cooperation frameworks and mechanisms between the two nations, including economic and developmental fields, to fulfill the aspirations of both the Egyptian and Emirati peoples for progress, stability, and prosperity.

The two presidents also discussed regional and international developments, aligning their views on the importance of intensifying joint Arab efforts to address the growing challenges in the region and the world.

Shared Hopes

Mustafa Bakri, an Egyptian journalist and member of the Egyptian Parliament, said that the relations between Egypt and the UAE are exceptional, bound by brotherhood, shared interests, and common hopes. He added that Egypt and the UAE share a common vision on many important issues, and the relationship between Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed and President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is exceptionally strong.

Bakri emphasized that there is continuous communication, dialogues, and shared meetings between the two sides since President el-Sisi took office. He stated, “We should not forget the UAE’s support for the June 30th Revolution and its continuous support for Egypt. We should not forget the statement of Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed: ‘If Egypt falls, unfortunately, the Arab world will fall,’ and we are ready to share a piece of bread with Egypt.”

Bakri noted that this underscores that these summits that occur from time to time between the two leaders are for the common Arab cause and the interests of the shared relations between Egypt and the UAE.

An Example of Joint Arab Action

Mohammed Al Ahmed, a UAE media personality, stated that Egyptian-UAE relations serve as an example of joint Arab action in confronting the challenges facing the region. He described UAE-Egypt relations as a persistent historical connection. He added that these relations are based on love, with pillars of goodness and kindness, bound by respect and friendship, asserting that the relationship encompasses multiple levels, both popular and political.

He also highlighted the UAE’s continued presence alongside Egypt in both crises and successes, considering Egypt as the legacy of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, a testament shared with all Emiratis.

Al Ahmed added that Sheikh Zayed established this foundation, and Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, the President of the UAE, solidified it. The relations are continuous and enduring, and the two nations are united by a great affection and a strong bond between the people and the governments.

Historical Relations

In a related context, Ibrahim Bahzad, a UAE-based blogger and social media activist, stated that Egyptian-UAE relations are exceptional at both official and popular levels. These relations are characterized by political, economic, and comprehensive integration in various fields and directions. He noted that these relations are a historical and close bond, beginning from the era of the founder of the UAE, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and continuing with his successors.

Bahzad continued, “These relations have grown stronger over the years, particularly due to the sincere and strong relationship between His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, and His Excellency President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt. They aim to enhance the relations, joint work, and unity of efforts in supporting Arab action and facing challenges in the region.”

He emphasized that it is evident that attempts by some electronic committees on social media to disrupt the relations between the two countries, fabricate lies, and spread rumors about disputes or differences between the two states have failed. These relations continue to be a model for strong bilateral relations that gain strength and resilience over time, despite the efforts of some malicious entities.

Bahzad concluded that the UAE and Egypt share a united direction, unified positions, shared visions, and an enduring commitment to mutual cooperation. This relationship is a testament to love, shared destiny, and collaborative work, both at the popular and official levels. Additionally, the strength of economic relations and the flourishing tourism sector are clear indicators of the deep bond between the two nations, not to mention the growing investments and economic ties.

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