Obsession with getting more views leads young people to throw a child into a stream

A group of young men have thrown a child into a waterway in Egypt’s Beheira governorate, looking for views on social media.
The video has provoked an angry response from social media users with the video, prompting the Egyptian security services to act and arrest those involved.
According to media reports, security agencies have seen a video circulated on Facebook pages showing people grabbing a child and throwing him into a waterway at the Damanhour police station in Beheira province.
She explained that the security agencies in the Directorate of Beheira Security were able to identify the perpetrators of the incident, and it turned out that they were three people living in the Damanhour Police Station Department. Two of them threw the victim’s child into the water of the Mahmoudiyah Canal waterway, while the third shot them with his mobile phone.
The defendants confessed to the incident, one of them posted videos on the social networks “Facebook” in order to obtain visual results and a financial advantage, and the defendants were brought before the Attorney General to investigate the incident and take the necessary measures.