United States

Picture for every step… New trick from White House staff to guide Biden 

As voices demanding the resignation of U.S. President Joe Biden from the presidential race increase, the American site “Axios” has revealed a new trick prepared by White House employees to assist Biden during presidential and electoral events.

White House employees have designed documents and cards containing photos and instructions to guide Biden on what he should say or do.

These documents are an example of preparing for future events in which Biden participates, by preparing a short document with large print and detailed photos of the path the president will take to the platform.

Since Biden‘s disastrous performance in the debate with his Republican opponent Donald Trump on June 27 last year, some Democrats who helped organize the president’s events have wondered whether their team’s focus on meticulous details is aimed at hiding the limitations he may have, rather than just reflecting a precise work policy.

In statements to “Axios,” one of the individuals who participated in Biden‘s events over the past 18 months said, “I organized a simple fundraising campaign in a private residence, but they treated it as if it were a NATO summit with its movements.”

Before any presidential event, the White House sends to the employees responsible for organizing it a document to simulate their preparation of specific materials for the president.

“Axios” obtained a copy of this document template, which was short and simple, with a large picture of the event space on each page, accompanied by large headings like “View from the platform” and “View from the audience.” Among the five pages composing the document, there were two pages that were separate pictures of “Walking to the platform.”

The official who helped fundraise for the site said, “I’m amazed that a seasoned political professional like President Biden would need detailed verbal and visual instructions on how to enter and exit a room.”

On his part, a White House official said, “If people are not accustomed to seeing advanced teams working, that will be a common reaction, whatever the president.”

However, two former aides who worked with Biden during his tenure as vice president under the previous administration of Barack Obama said his preparation documents at that time were different and often relied on charts.

The organization of presidential events, often referred to as “preliminary work,” is an intensive process focused on details for each top leader, where planning for presidential movements unfolds down to each step, unlike the vice president’s movements.

For Biden, the pre-action plan documents have evolved since he was vice president, including an increased use of photographs taken with smartphones.

Sources told “Axios” that other senior officials in the Biden administration use similar methods to plan their movements.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said, “High levels of detail and accuracy are extremely important for presidential work, regardless of who the president is, and these are fundamental methods used by any modern advanced team, including the vice president’s office and its agencies.”

Kirsten Allen, spokesperson for Kamala Harris, Biden‘s vice president, said, “These documents are standard logistical briefing materials and images for any manager, including the vice president.”

But Republicans have tried to highlight videos where Biden sometimes appears uncertain about walking inside and outside the stage as a way to indicate that he is mentally unfit for the position.

Since Biden‘s disastrous performance in the debate, Biden‘s practices, which may seem ordinary, have come under increased scrutiny, and while the use of hearing aid devices by presidents is common, Biden‘s use even in small occasions like fundraising has raised concerns among Democrats that his performance in the debate was not a one-time occurrence.

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