
Planet alignment: a phenomenon that will not happen again until 2124

The planets of the solar system are aligned Friday, June 24. Five of them are even observable with the naked eye. Not to be missed, the next session was not scheduled until 2124.

Late or early risers, it is according, do not fail to raise your nose to the sky in the night from Friday 24 to Saturday 25 June. The planets of the solar system are aligned. A rare phenomenon that will not recur until 2124.

From the second part of the night onwards, observers will be able to observe, with the naked eye, five planets one after the other: “They look just like the sun.

If we look at the Eastern horizon, we see them gradually rising into the sky”, explains Emmanuel Marcq, professor-researcher in planetology at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin.

Saturn will open the ball “around one o’clock in the morning”, then Jupiter, Mars, the Moon, then Venus and Mercury, before sunrise between 5 and 6 o’clock in the morning.

As for Neptune and Uranus, a telescope is still necessary, according to La DéPê

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