
Principles of peace and humanitarianism are at the heart of the UAE’s commitment to support the Palestinian cause

The United Arab Emirates, as always, stands at the forefront of nations supporting humanitarian issues. 

This commitment is demonstrated through various humanitarian initiatives that encompass a wide range of social, charitable, and developmental activities within the country and globally. 

At this moment, the UAE continues to support the Palestinian people and their right to establish an independent state while preserving the lives of civilians.

The UAE remains dedicated to supporting humanitarian causes worldwide, upholding the values of humanity and solidarity

It is committed to promoting social, charitable, and developmental activities, striving for sustainable development in needy countries.

Furthermore, the UAE persists in supporting the Palestinian cause, aiming to achieve a permanent and just solution that grants them the right to an independent state and safeguards the rights and lives of civilians. These initiatives reflect the UAE’s humanitarian vision and ongoing commitment to promoting justice and human rights worldwide.

The history of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan is marked by his unwavering and clear stances on various Arab issues, especially pivotal ones such as the Palestinian cause, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the liberation of Kuwait, as well as his active efforts in reconciling differences among many countries.

Sheikh Zayed repeatedly affirmed his unwavering support for the just struggle of the Palestinian people against Israeli aggression, recognizing that peace in the Middle East cannot be achieved as long as the Palestinian people are denied their rights and ancestral lands. 

He also expressed the UAE’s support for the Palestinians in various international forums and highlighted the need for Israel to withdraw from Arab territories seized through war and aggression.

Sheikh Zayed‘s history includes significant events, particularly his historic visit to Yemen on March 12, 1977, during which he reaffirmed the UAE’s commitment to stand by Yemen, protect its interests, and defend its territorial integrity and people.

Sheikh Zayed played a crucial role in resolving inter-Yemeni disputes and actively contributed to Yemen’s development by initiating several infrastructure projects, opening schools and hospitals, all in line with the UAE’s commitment to the unity of Yemen and its people.

Sheikh Zayed believed that international relations should be built on cooperation and mutual respect among all nations. He advocated for dialogue as the only means to resolve issues and conflicts, moving away from the language of war and confrontation.

He saw the Non-Aligned Movement as a genuine opportunity to avoid the repercussions of the Cold War after World War II. In March 1983, he led the UAE delegation to the opening session of the Non-Aligned Movement summit in New Delhi, where he called on member states to find an independent path, separate from the Eastern and Western blocs, to achieve the security and well-being of the people of non-aligned nations.

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, in a conversation with a German magazine on March 1, 1975, stated that the only way to achieve justice between oil-producing and oil-consuming countries is to link the price of oil to other commodity prices.

On March 6, 1977, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan attended the opening of the first Arab-African Summit in Cairo, where the UAE announced a contribution of 137 million dollars to support the development of Africa.

The world recognized the genius of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and held him in high respect and admiration. He received numerous international awards and certificates, including the “Man of the Year 1988” award, which he received on March 8, 1989, in recognition of his stances on various Arab, Islamic, and international issues. 

On March 29, 1998, he received the “Environment Advocate” award from the League of Arab States, in appreciation of his efforts in environmental conservation, afforestation, and the establishment of natural reserves.

The United Arab Emirates firmly adheres to its commitment to support the Palestinian people in achieving their legitimate rights. It reiterates its consistent position, calling for the activation of efforts to achieve a just, comprehensive, and permanent peace based on a two-state solution, with an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital.

The UAE’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva, in a tweet from its official account, stated: “During the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories since 1967, Ms. Aisha Al Mansoori reiterated the UAE’s full commitment to supporting the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people in accordance with international law, and its consistent position calling for the need to activate efforts to achieve a just, comprehensive, and permanent peace on the basis of a two-state solution, with the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital, in line with relevant United Nations resolutions and within the framework of diplomacy and peaceful dialogue.” 

The UAE calls for intensifying efforts to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, reiterating its unwavering stance in finding a solution to the Palestinian issue that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.

The UAE reaffirms its unwavering commitment to supporting the Palestinian people in securing all their legitimate rights, in accordance with international law and relevant United Nations resolutions. 

The UAE places great importance on the Palestinian cause, prioritizing it in its foreign policies and confirming that the country will not deviate from its steadfast position, in alignment with the Arab stance, in support of the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with international references and the Arab Peace Initiative.

The UAE calls for the necessity of halting all illegal measures and practices in the occupied territories that could undermine the prospects of a two-state solution, including the construction and expansion of settlements, confiscation and demolition of Palestinian property, and forced displacement of the population, especially in East Jerusalem.

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