Qatar Charitable Society and the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood and their relationship to the extent of extremism in France

The organization of the Muslim Brotherhood has become a disaster in all societies, as it try to ruin them and spread an extremist ideology, and this is what France fears especially after it has become in recent years very vulnerable to terrorist assaults.
Indeed, after the killing of French history professor Samuel Paty who was decapitated by an 18-year-old Chechen boy named Abdullah Anzorov, who had communicated with the father of a student who launched a campaign against the professor through the Internet encouraging a mobilization against the professor, according to the investigations, the French officials decided to delimit the extremist institutions, especially the Union of the Islamic organizations of the country affiliated to the group of the brothers.
In fact, the Union of Islamic Organizations supervises and manages 200 mosques in France, and in all these mosques, imams disperse extremism and dialogue of hostility in the minds of young people, according to the French deputy and National Rally Party leader, Jordan Bardella. He also alerted against targeting members of Muslim communities of Arab origin.
Bardella also indicated that there are 2,500 mosques and places suitable for Muslims in France, but 200 mosques are suspected of being involved in extremist activities, and almost 40 schools belonging to the Union of Islamic Organizations of France (UOIF) affiliated to the Terrorist Brothers organization, and more than 150 Salafist mosques.
And when we talk about the terrorist organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, it makes us talk about one of its biggest sponsors, the Emirate of Qatar. In this context, many documents in the financial agreements revealed that Qatar Charity send direct payments from its headquarters in Doha to a UK branch, in 2018, in order to fund its largest project, which is the development of the Al-Nour center, managed by the Muslim League in the Alsace region in eastern France. Then, it became the French branch of the so-called “Union of Islamic Organizations” associated to the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe, and it is the largest of the 140 projects financed by the Qatar foundation.
The Al-Nour Center has giving large funding, from Qatari funds, to two centers, one called Mercy in Strasbourg, France, and the other named the Islamic Cultural Center of Sesto San Giovanni next to Milan, Italy, with £ 12.25 million, during the years 2016 and 2017.
Besides, the French newspaper Le Figaro has revealed that certain associations have been accused of deploying extremism and politicians oppose that, particularly the Union of Islamic Organizations in France, which a French parliamentarian described as the military wing of the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in the country, according to the French newspaper.
It should be noted that France is seeking to survey around 51 religious societies, and a number of them are expected to be dissolved because of their involvement in the propagation of ideas against the principles of the Republic.
French Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, reported that there was a list of a number of associations whose ministry recently revealed their publication of extremist religious speeches. Thus, the minister affirmed that the government will delimit charities that are suspected of being attached to extremist networks.