
Revealing His Height and Weight: Trump, Prisoner Number Po1135809 

The American newspaper “The Washington Post” stated that the world will finally know the height and weight of former President Donald Trump after his brief detention at the Fulton County Jail in the state of Georgia.

Published on Thursday evening, a mugshot of former US President Donald Trump was taken inside the jail during his short arrest on charges of electoral extortion and conspiracy.

This shot, in which the Republican billionaire appears with a scowl, furrowed brows, and a piercing gaze into the camera, will go down in history as the first mugshot of a former US president.

“The Washington Post” revealed that Trump’s booking record indicated his height to be 6 feet and 3 inches (approximately 190 centimeters).

Regarding his weight, the record disclosed that he weighed 215 pounds (about 97 kilograms), a decrease of about 13 kilograms from his last publicly announced weight during his last official medical examination at the White House.

Other details about Trump were also documented, such as his identification number as “Prisoner Number Po1135809,” eye color (blue), and hair color (blond).

The former US president remained in jail for only about 20 minutes, as administrative procedures were swiftly completed. He then posted bail of $200,000 and left under tight security.

Trump Surrenders Himself

The US authorities officially arrested Trump yesterday, Thursday, in Atlanta on charges of electoral extortion and conspiracy.

On Thursday, the former US president arrived at the Fulton Jail in Atlanta, where he surrendered himself to the authorities of the state of Georgia, which accused him of attempting to manipulate the 2020 presidential elections.

During his surrender, the former US president said, “This is a sad day for America. You have to have the ability to challenge elections. The elections were rigged and stolen. What’s happening here is a disgrace, and I have not committed any wrongdoing in this case or others. What’s happening is an interference in the elections.”

Former President Donald Trump’s plane landed at Atlanta Airport on Thursday and then a convoy headed to the famous “Fulton Jail” to surrender himself, in a historic incident.

Footage showed Trump’s plane landing in Atlanta, followed by him getting into a black car, which joined a convoy headed to the renowned Fulton Jail for his surrender.

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