
Scientists discover a relationship between nighttime lighting and vision loss 

Scientists from South Korea have discovered a correlation between the level of nighttime lighting and the rate of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and vision loss.

The “JAMA Network Open” journal stated that AMD is the primary cause of vision loss in older individuals.

According to the journal, researchers at the School of Medicine at Gyeonggi National University in South Korea analyzed data from over 126,000 Koreans aged 50 and above.

The researchers found that around 4,100 of them were diagnosed with AMD. They then compared the lighting in the residential areas of these individuals with satellite images showing the level of nighttime lighting.

It was revealed that elderly residents in high nighttime lighting urban areas were 2.17% more likely to suffer from AMD compared to residents in areas with lower nighttime lighting.

Additionally, it was found that additional factors such as obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption enhance the relationship between outdoor nighttime lighting and age-related macular degeneration. The researchers recommended quitting smoking, adopting a balanced diet, and wearing sunglasses to avoid these health risks.

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