Middle east

SDF Fights Syrian Army, Calls on Coalition to Combat ISIS

Escalating tensions between the Syrian Arab Army and Iranian militias on one side and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on the other

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), backed by the United States, have warned that the terrorist organization ISIS still poses a serious threat worldwide, calling on the international coalition to support them as they fight on all fronts and escalate their clashes with the Syrian Army.

The Hajeen Military Council, under the banner of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), stated that it thwarted an infiltration attempt by Syrian Army forces from the south of the Euphrates to the north in the eastern Deir ez-Zor countryside, resulting in the deaths of several army personnel.

Deir ez-Zor province has witnessed escalating tensions between the Syrian Army and Iranian militias on one side and the SDF on the other, with clashes and mutual rocket shelling between the two parties in recent months.

The Council said in a statement on its Telegram channel that the Hajeen forces thwarted an infiltration attempt by a group of Syrian Army and Iranian militia members across the Euphrates. It added that the group attempted to infiltrate into the town of Baghouz in eastern Deir ez-Zor countryside near the Iraqi border to target Hajeen Military Council points, sparking fierce clashes.

The clashes resulted in the deaths of several Syrian Army troops, and two bodies fell into the hands of council forces, in addition to the capture of quantities of weapons. The Council noted that its forces are still pursuing “remnants” of the army along the riverbed in Baghouz town.

The SDF issued a statement on the fifth anniversary of ISIS‘s loss of the last part of its declared caliphate on March 23, 2019, when SDF fighters took control of the village of Baghouz in eastern Syria, marking the end of ISIS‘s caliphate. They stated that “during its rule, the extremist organization terrorized millions of people and attracted thousands of men and women to join its ranks”.

The statement emphasized, “The liberation of Baghouz represents a pivotal moment. Our forces liberated millions from the terror of the organization, not only protecting the region but the entire world from its brutality. Despite its defeat, dormant cells of ISIS and affiliated groups in Asia and Africa continue to launch deadly attacks.”

The statement also noted that “the extremist organization still poses a significant threat to our regions and the world,” adding that it seeks to rebuild itself through its dormant cells and aims to revive its aspirations by reclaiming geographic control over certain areas. SDF stated that dismantling ISIS‘s “ideological terrain” is necessary to complete the eradication of ISIS.

In the recent hours, the Counter-Terrorism Units affiliated with SDF announced the killing of a leader of the terrorist organization ISIS during a precise security operation in Raqqa, with support and assistance from the international coalition.

SDF stated in a statement released through its official website on Sunday: “On Saturday, the Counter-Terrorism Units (YAT) of our forces carried out a precise security operation targeting one of the financiers of ISIS cells in the center of Raqqa city, with support and participation from the international coalition forces.”

SDF clarified that its forces raided the whereabouts of the leader named Samir Khudair Sharif al-Shehan, an Iraqi national, and after besieging the location and his refusal to surrender and resistance to the operation, they responded and killed him.

At the beginning of March, the international coalition forces, in cooperation with SDF, conducted an airborne landing operation in the town of al-Hariji in the northern countryside of Deir ez-Zor. During the operation, 9 individuals were arrested on charges of belonging to ISIS cells, and they were taken to an undisclosed location.

The forces detain approximately ten thousand ISIS fighters in northeastern Syria in about 24 detention facilities, including 2000 foreigners whose countries have refused to repatriate them. SDF supervises around 45 thousand family members of ISIS fighters, mostly women and children, in al-Hol camp.

The forces continued, “The issue of ISIS detainees requires a global solution.” They added that it is necessary for their home countries to repatriate their citizens or establish an international court in northeastern Syria where they can be tried. SDF emphasized that addressing the issue of ISIS families in the camp is a priority that cannot be ignored or overlooked.

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