
Searching for a Safe Haven: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Efforts to Penetrate Brazilian Society

The terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, is attempting to infiltrate Brazilian and Latin American societies in a new tactic aimed at finding a safe haven for the organization. This comes in response to the shift in Turkey’s stance towards the Brotherhood, coupled with increased crackdowns on its members in Europe, particularly in France, Germany, and Britain, according to Hisham al-Najjar, a researcher specializing in Islamic groups.

In his interview on the program “The Other Bank,” hosted by Dalia Abdel Rahim on “Cairo News” channel, al-Najjar stated that the Muslim Brotherhood seeks to secure unconventional havens for its leaders, relying on the influence of certain Sunni and Shia groups such as Hezbollah, which has a strong presence in Brazil and the region.

Al-Najjar pointed out that the world is currently suffering from the Brotherhood’s agenda, and many researchers are now revealing the true nature of the organization with unprecedented momentum. This is coupled with measures taken by Western agencies and the growing awareness among the public about the Brotherhood’s self-serving goals.

Despite surveillance by Brazilian and international authorities of the Brotherhood’s activities, the group is considered a terrorist organization in several countries, posing challenges to their operations in Brazil. However, the significant diversity in Brazilian society and the Muslim community could present an obstacle to the Brotherhood‘s attempts to recruit members and spread their ideology, especially given the presence of other Islamic currents that reject the Brotherhood’s ideas. The group also heavily utilizes mosques to impose its vision and methodology.

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