Sleeping in this position would reduce the risk of having bad dreams

Sometimes sad, sometimes terrifying, nightmares are a plague. If some people seem to have more than others, these bad dreams are inevitable: everyone has already been confronted with this type of experience, and this, several times. But according to one researcher, a technique would make it possible to reduce their appearances.
Nightmares caused by many different reasons
If they seem random, nightmares can actually be promoted by several factors. Strong stress or a state of anxiety can, for example, increase the risk of having bad dreams. We can also note the taking of medication, a high fever or the recent viewing of a horror film.
But according to Dr. Calvin Kai-Ching Yu, of Hong Kong Yan University, lying on your back, stomach or side can also have an impact on the type of images that will populate our eyes. dreams…
The pressure exerted on certain parts of our body
“Different positions of sleep can create pressure on different parts of the body, and bodily sensations can cause dream elements“says the doctor.
So, in which position should you fall asleep to minimize the chances of having bad dreams? According to him : “Studies have shown that people who sleep on their back have more nightmares and have more difficulty remembering their dreams.” This would be due to the fact that this position can generate back pain and cause certain problems (snoring, sleep apnea) that would disturb the quality of sleep.
The good news in all of this is that Dr. Calvin Kai-Ching Yu’s recommendations also apply to having pleasant dreams! People who sleep on their side would have fewer nightmares. And, don’t tell anyone, but sleeping on your stomach would promote erotic dreams… But the researcher advises against this position, which would be less comfortable and less restful.