
Study: Espresso Delays Facial Aging and Skin Wrinkles

Researchers have found that drinking roasted coffee delays facial aging and skin wrinkles.

In their study, published on the health site Free Well Health, the researchers explained that roasted coffee contains high levels of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that improve skin elasticity, hydrate the skin, and delay wrinkles and other signs of aging.

They pointed out that lighter roasting is more beneficial for skin health than dark roasting, as it retains more polyphenols, according to Emirates Today.

According to the study, a comparison was made between four beverages consumed by Europeans, including tea and sugary drinks, on a sample of 16,000 people. It showed that coffee is the only drink significantly associated with slowing facial skin aging.

The study quoted Dr. Tyler Long from the Skin and Laser Center in New Jersey, who stated: “Espresso is more concentrated and is lightly roasted, which may be more beneficial due to its polyphenol content.”

Tea also contains polyphenols, but this study did not find a strong link between its consumption and delaying facial aging, according to the same source.

The study emphasized that moderation in coffee consumption is key to reaping its benefits, and that two to three cups per day is the ideal amount.

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