
Study: Humans May Accept “White Lies” from Robots

A recent study revealed that people are willing to tolerate “white lies” from robots, but they are less forgiving if these machines attempt to hide their true capabilities or impose censorship on them.

The study, conducted by researchers at George Mason University in the U.S. and involving around 500 participants, showed that humans are generally inclined to accept a robot lying if it’s, for example, aimed at “protecting a patient from unnecessary pain” by withholding part of the truth.

According to the German Press Agency, the study asked respondents for their opinions on hypothetical scenarios where robots are used in fields such as healthcare, retail, and household cleaning. Most participants found it unacceptable for robots to film them secretly without their knowledge. Some said robot surveillance could be acceptable if it was “for security purposes.”

The use of robots has spread across various sectors over the past decade, as these machines now perform more complex tasks at affordable costs.

Analysts from the American investment bank Morgan Stanley previously stated that the rise of artificial intelligence combined with robotics could lead to the production of “human-like” machines, potentially causing millions of people to lose their jobs.

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