
Syrian woman forced to close her YouTube account because of the Brothers

A Syrian girl living in Turkey
is forced to close her YouTube and social media account
She said: The two years I spent with you were the best years of my life
and now is the time for me to quit YouTube
and I would not upload any video to YouTube
But, she did not indicate the main reason, she just sent a sign indicating the involvement of Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood to force him to close his account
Whoever sprinkles us with water, we would sprinkle it with blood
and we promise that they would be crushed that day
The formation of a new Taliban and the creation of Al Qaeda in Egypt, all these people would spread martyr groups and destroy you
Today there would be blood, and there would be car bombs, and there would be a change by the remote control, and you are much less than that
Foreign-backed Muslim Brotherhood group remains terrorize individuals
Indeed, she was forced to appear in the media so as not to raise suspicions
My sisters and I created a group, we would have fun, laugh, post pictures, etc…
Suddenly, my account closed and I don’t know why
A young man in the group contacted my sister and told her that I could easily give the account of Hadir
by requesting a Gmail account linked to my account
Thus, he took everything that I own from Gmail; Numbers of photos, videos
He removed everything that belonged to me then he started threatening me, either to speak to him in voice and image or to post everything on social networking sites
like Facebook, YouTube and Instagram
Continuousness of terrorism to reach the power at the expense of the lives of innocent people

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