Terrifying Details… Study predicts human extinction this year

A new study has predicted a horrifying future for planet Earth, specifically after 250 million years.
British scientists stated that the planet will become inhospitable for mammals, including humans, in events reminiscent of what the dinosaurs experienced.
The scientists explained that climate conditions will worsen significantly, resulting in the presence of a “harsh environment difficult to survive in,” especially with temperatures reaching record levels. This will lead to plate tectonic shifts, eventually forming a giant continent.
According to the study reported by the University of Bristol, these conditions will lead to volcanic explosions, becoming a secondary source of massive amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, further enhancing the greenhouse effect.
The study predicts that temperatures under these conditions will range between 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, with a significant increase in humidity. The habitable area for mammals on the expected new continent is estimated to be only between 8% to 16%.