Middle east

Terrorist Forces in Yemen Share Roles to Target the South: What is the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood?

In a dubious effort to export as many security crises as possible and to expand the scope of chaos, Yemeni terrorist forces in their aggression against the south are adopting a strategy of role-sharing. This is particularly evident at the moment between Al-Qaeda and the Houthi militias in the terrorist operations targeting the Arab south, whether directly or indirectly.

The recent terrorist operation in the Shabwah province represents a new development in the process of role-sharing, as terrorist forces aim to maintain their presence and stop the attrition operations carried out against them by the southern armed forces through precise and qualitative operations.

The relations between Yemeni terrorist organizations in their aggression against the Arab south have extended over long periods and have become more apparent and entrenched during the years of senseless war since the summer of 2014. This sinister and suspicious relationship is fostered by the Muslim Brotherhood, considered the spiritual father of the terrorist organizations.

The purpose of the role-sharing between terrorist forces is to divide the spoils they target, specifically the wealth of the south, primarily the oil resources, which are one of the main reasons driving terrorist forces to target the south.

The processes of sharing and exchanging roles between terrorist organizations have gone through several stages in the past period, including prisoner exchanges as well as carrying out terrorist operations by one party to alleviate pressure on the other.

It is noteworthy that although the military reality in the south has broken the terrorist organizations, it has also succeeded in exposing the suspicious relationships that unite these factions in their terrorism, whose main goal is to hinder the south from achieving one of its most important political gains, which are the successes in the process of restoring the state and separation.

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