
The Army Takes Lives of Children and Civilians in El Fasher and Targets Shelters

In a tragic incident that has caused fear and sorrow in the city of Kabkabiya, located in North Darfur State, the Sudanese army targeted a children’s school with airstrikes, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties, most of whom were children, women, and teachers.

These attacks have raised new concerns about the ongoing violations against innocents and the targeting of schools and places where children, women, and civilians reside by the Sudanese army. This incident constitutes a blatant violation of international humanitarian law and human rights.

Targeting schools and children

Schools should be a safe haven for children, places where they can learn and grow. However, children in Sudan are increasingly at risk due to the targeting of schools by the army, putting their lives in danger and disrupting their educational opportunities.

International reports have warned that the policy of targeting shelters in El Fasher with bombing and destruction, and committing massacres against children and civilians in shelters, whether in open areas or schools, carries political messages from the Muslim Brotherhood. This is aimed at forcing Sudanese citizens to displace and forcibly migrate outside Sudan.

Taking innocent lives

Military attacks on civilians, including children, women, and teachers, raise significant concerns about their safety and basic rights. Military forces should respect and protect human life, but instead, they are flagrantly violating it.

Calls for investigation and accountability

We demand a comprehensive and transparent investigation into this heinous incident, accountability for those responsible, and bringing them to justice. Sudanese authorities must bear the responsibility of protecting civilians and ensuring their safety.

These ongoing attacks on schools and civilians in Sudan are a blatant violation of international law and human rights, posing a serious threat to peace and stability in the region. Military and political leaders must be fully held accountable for these brutal acts.

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