
The best foods to fight cellulite

Drinking water is essential (count at least 1.5 liters a day), there are a few little food secrets. Take notes !

Foods to fight cellulite

pineapple : because it acts on water retention, it reduces orange peel skin.

The celery : thanks to its diuretic, digestive and laxative properties, celery will be your best friend.

onion : to fight toxins, nothing beats the draining and detoxifying effects of onion!

The cabbage is an explosive cocktail on its own: fibre, potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, calcium, iodine and zinc… the perfect combination!

parsley : parsley reduces appetite while blocking fat.

The leek : “ Leek is rich in vitamins A, C and E: it unclogs bodies that are congested and tired from overeating by flushing out toxins from the body.“, we read in Health Passport.

Endive : “ Endive stimulates lymphatic drainage and decongests areas where orange peel skin is located“, continues the media.

Bet on the Red fruits to promote blood circulation and to drain the tissues!

green tea : you know, green tea is an excellent drainer.

On the other hand, whole milk, cold cuts or even sweets and sweets promote cellulite.

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