Middle east

The Brotherhood causes corruption in Taiz… What’s New? 

Yemen’s Islah Party militias, the Muslim Brotherhood‘s arm in Yemen, have provided an opportunity for the terrorist Houthi militias to escalate military practices in southern regions.

According to the Arab Scene website, Houthi militias escalated militarily, opening fire with their heavy weapons on the Salo front, southeast of Taiz province, while the Brotherhood militias turned a blind eye to confronting this escalation. The Brotherhood organization is known for maintaining silence on any Houthi escalation, understood in the context of their joint coordination to serve their suspicious interests, which rely on prolonging the duration of the war. This comes at a time when the Reform Party expands its efforts to target the south.

The past few days have witnessed numerous military movements against the south, whether carried out by the Brotherhood militias or through movements known as the “Tur Al-Bahah Axis.”

Taiz province is shared in control between Houthi and Brotherhood militias, with continuous military coordination between both factions.

The city has recently witnessed fierce clashes between armed groups affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood due to disputes over the division of previously controlled territories. Almost daily, the city experiences crimes of murder, kidnapping, extortion, and a breakdown in security. Citizens are trying to voice their complaints to the Presidential Council.

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