
The Criticism from Civilian Forces Against Yasser al-Atta: The Servant of the Muslim Brotherhood and Their Path to Power

Sudanese civilian forces have launched strong criticisms against Major General Yasser al-Atta, Assistant to the Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Army, who is seen as a loyal servant of the previous regime and the Muslim Brotherhood, and considered their path to power. These criticisms follow his recent statements accusing political forces opposed to the war of being agents of foreign powers.

The Coordination of Democratic Civil Forces (Taqaddum) harshly criticized General al-Atta, stating that “this man is immersed in the blood of the Sudanese people that he has shed mercilessly. He has no right to claim a moral superiority that grants him the right to distribute certificates of patriotism and worthiness to the nation and its people.”

Taqaddum spokesperson Bakri al-Jak said in a statement reported by the website of the newspaper (Al-Rakuba): “Al-Atta’s statements reveal the tragedy of the military institution that has been politicized to the core and no longer cares about the most basic rules of military professionalism. This man has neither a vision for war nor for peace, but is addicted to verbal warfare filled with racism and demeaning many of Sudan’s genuine components.”

He emphasized that “the military institution has been significantly infiltrated by the Islamist movement, turning some of its senior leaders into mere spokespeople, rather than adhering to the professionalism, discipline, and rigor required of those in military uniform, which has weakened it and led it to a profound level of contempt for the people’s interests and the country’s resources.”

He added that this was clearly demonstrated by the April 15th conflict, which confirmed the need to build a single national professional army, free from politics and economics, and focused on its essential duties of defending the country from security threats.

The Coordination (Taqaddum) affirmed that such statements will only strengthen their determination to pursue the path they have chosen in seeking ways to achieve peace in their country. This path is obstructed by many forces that invest in war and use it as a stepping stone to reach their authoritarian goals at the expense of the country’s destruction and the death of its citizens. The difficulties of this path will not deter them from working for the benefit of their country and its people until this tragedy ends and their country enjoys peace, justice, democracy, and prosperity in a homeland free from discrimination, oppression, and corruption.”

They also affirmed that the accusations made by al-Atta against Taqaddum of being agents and traitors are false and reflect a high degree of irresponsibility in the statements of someone who is supposed to embody leadership and wisdom.

For his part, Khaled Omar Youssef, Deputy Chairman of the Sudanese Congress Party, criticized al-Atta’s statements, saying that “the general’s remarks could be considered comedic material if the country were not drowning in the tragedy of endless war and its sorrows.”

He added that “anyone listening to the general’s statements can only feel sorrow for the state of the country and deep concern as long as these are the views and ideas of someone making crucial decisions affecting people’s lives and livelihoods.”

Youssef clarified on his (X) account that “General al-Atta’s statements reveal the depth of the crisis the military institution is experiencing as it engages in politics, economics, and society, doing everything except its core mission of protecting the security of the country and its people,” as reported by the (Erem News) website.

He noted that “Sudan has become a complete wreck and a model of failure and disaster due to the management of al-Atta and his colleagues.”

Youssef mentioned that “the statements of Burhan’s assistant are no longer just criticized by political forces but also by his colleagues in the military institution, who monitor his statements and delete many of them, indicating the problems he causes whenever he takes the microphone.”

Legal expert Sayed al-Dawla Hamdallah commented on al-Atta’s remarks, stating that he does not know anyone who chooses to be the object of mockery and derision like General Yasser al-Atta every time he speaks.

He said in a Facebook post that “al-Atta has revealed the current military leadership’s inability to continue the war, through his statement that Burhan had expressed his desire to step down because he had reached his limit.”

Hamdallah added that “in military tradition and doctrine, a regular soldier is not allowed to withdraw voluntarily from the battlefield; if they do, it is considered desertion, punishable by death. This is a truth that General al-Atta did not notice, and he has become for people like a dervish who babbles without consequence.”

It should be noted that al-Atta is known for supporting the inclusion of Islamists within the army in the ongoing war against the Rapid Support Forces, and his recent media appearances have sparked controversy and criticism.

According to observers, al-Atta serves his personal agenda to take control of the army with the support of the Islamist movement, while others believe that al-Atta’s positions or statements fall under a role distribution policy between him and Abdel Fattah al-Burhan.

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