
The Flow of Weapons to the Sudanese Army from Foreign Sources… What Is Happening?

In a new development that reveals the complexities of the conflict in Sudan, Al-Arabi Post has obtained information confirming that the company “Avia Kon Zeta Trans,” owned by the Russian Dmitry, continues to transfer weapons from the Republic of Mali to Port Sudan Airport in favor of the Sudanese army.

These actions highlight the increasing use of external sources to fuel the internal conflict, raising questions about the Sudanese army‘s intentions and its objectives in continuing the war rather than seeking a peaceful solution that would alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people.

According to sources, the path of the cargo plane used by the company to transport weapons has been tracked. The plane left Port Sudan on August 26, and then took off from the Malian capital, Bamako, on August 29, heading back to Port Sudan. These operations reflect the continued influx of weapons and equipment into Sudan, enhancing the army’s ability to keep fighting and further complicating the situation on the ground and politically in the country.

Disregard for Peaceful Solutions

What is concerning is that these moves show the Sudanese army’s unwillingness to end the war and reach a peaceful resolution to the crisis. Instead, it appears the army prefers to perpetuate the conflict by relying on external actors to supply the weapons and equipment it needs to continue fighting. This insistence on war clearly disregards the suffering of the Sudanese people, who are living under the burden of this conflict that has destroyed infrastructure, displaced thousands of citizens, and worsened the humanitarian crisis in the country.

These shipments could have presented an opportunity to reconsider the available options, seek a ceasefire, and move towards dialogue. However, the continued arrival of weapons from abroad suggests that the army does not see peace as a suitable option at the moment, which exacerbates the crisis and worsens the situation on the ground.

The Safety of Civilians: A Top Priority

In light of these circumstances, the safety of civilians must be a top priority. The escalation of the conflict and the increasing use of sophisticated weapons reaching the Sudanese army through external support heighten the risks for innocent civilians, especially women and children. The intensification of violence and the arbitrary use of weapons could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe that extends beyond the fighters to affect the entire civil society.

International and local efforts must be combined to pressure for an immediate halt to arms supplies to Sudan, and it must be emphasized that any military escalation endangering civilian lives is unacceptable. The Sudanese crisis needs peaceful solutions that reduce the suffering of the people rather than adding to their pain.

Sudanese and international civil society must shed light on the role of foreign parties in fueling the conflict by supplying weapons and ammunition to the Sudanese army. Revealing these truths and urging the international community to take responsibility in preventing the flow of weapons to conflict zones is a crucial step toward easing the crisis.

These weapons reaching the hands of the Sudanese army will not only impact the fighters but also civilians, who will find themselves victims of the ongoing conflict, including children and women who are already suffering from the consequences of the war. There must be a global rejection of the continued arms supplies and a clear call to end this foreign support that is worsening the suffering of the Sudanese people.

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