
The Muslim Brotherhood continues to bet on returning to power in Sudan at any cost

Despite all the challenges and crises facing Sudan, the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood works to sabotage any negotiations, the latest of which took place in the Kingdom of Bahrain in recent days, bringing together Sudanese Deputy Army Commander Lieutenant General Shams El Din Kabbashi and Deputy Commander of the Rapid Support Forces Lieutenant General Abdul Rahim Hamdan Dagalo.

Intervention by the Brotherhood

Reports revealed that while the bilateral meetings in Manama brought hope to civilian and political forces in Sudan that things might move towards de-escalation and an end to the war, the reactions among supporters of the army and backers of the former regime from the Brotherhood showed their rejection of peace negotiations.

The Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood seeks to isolate the country from its surroundings to ensure no foreign intervention in the current crisis and to hinder any attempts to cease the fighting between the army and the Rapid Support Forces.

Sabotaging peace attempts

According to Osman Mirghani, a political analyst and editor-in-chief of the Sudanese Al-Tayyar newspaper, it appears that the Islamic movement, which ruled the country for three decades, still bets on returning to power at any cost. He pointed out that this movement exploits the armed conflict that erupted between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese army to form alliances with the army with the aim of undermining the stability of the democratic transition and thwarting peace efforts.

He added – in a statement – that the Rapid Support Forces took control of strategic sites in Khartoum before the clashes with the army erupted. He confirmed that this war is being exploited by factions and movements affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which seek to exploit the war and return to the scene.

Mirghani concluded his remarks by saying that the Sudanese people will not allow the return of the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood, and these plans will fail. He emphasized that the Muslim Brotherhood fears accountability for its leaders and members for their crimes against the people and the nation, so they attempt to sow discord and chaos in the country.

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