The Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. Under Pressure… What’s Happening?

The American University professor of political science, Tarek Fahmy, revealed that U.S. President Donald Trump is set to enact laws against the Muslim Brotherhood in the near future.
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In a statement during his appearance on Al-Ghad TV, he added that the Republican-led bill in Congress to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization is only a matter of time, as all necessary information is already available to the relevant committees in both the Senate and Congress.
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Fahmy emphasized that this legislation would be a priority for President-elect Donald Trump, stating that its implementation would be swift due to the alignment between Congress and the Senate, given the Republican majority.
American policy circles are witnessing intense lobbying efforts by dozens of associations, organizations, and institutions affiliated with or sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood, aiming to prevent the adoption of such a decision, which would constitute a major blow to the group in the United States.
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