
The Revolutionary Guard reviews the plans for the deployment of Iranian militias in Iraq… What’s the connection with Gaza? 

In the past few hours, there have been intensive movements by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Iraq, which is reviewing the plans for the deployment of Iraqi factions in the western part of the country in response to the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The Middle East newspaper reported, citing reliable sources that “political intermediaries conveyed messages to the Americans to inform them that Iran does not want to participate in the battle for Gaza, but the Israeli invasion may force it to do so.”

The sources explained that the Iranians aim to pressure the Americans and Israelis to postpone or limit the scope of the invasion, while discussing with faction leaders the size and nature of the response to the Israeli ground incursion.

A leader within the Iraqi Coordination Framework, who requested anonymity, said, “The Prime Minister’s strategy of providing humanitarian support to Gaza and diplomatic efforts to stop the war does not satisfy the armed faction leaders, despite warnings that the field escalation threatens the government and the overall situation in the country.”

The leader further explained that the movements of the Iraqi factions would spiral out of control completely if the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza begins, leaving the government with no option but to engage in further dialogues with the Iranians.

According to the leader, the nature of the Iranian message delivered to the Americans implies that Tehran is ready for confrontation.

Previous reports by the newspaper have indicated that Iraqi factions have formed an operations room to coordinate with the Palestinian Hamas movement, but their actions are constrained by Iranian orders.

In this context, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has threatened to open new fronts against the United States if it continues to support Israel in its conflict with Hamas. Abdollahian added in an interview with Bloomberg at the Iranian mission to the United Nations in New York that Washington calls on others to exercise restraint, but it fully supports Israel.

Abdollahian emphasized that the situation in the region will spiral out of control with the continued killing of women and children in Gaza.

Israel has warned of a comprehensive ground assault on the Gaza Strip and its consequences, stating that if this operation continues, Israel will regret its actions.

Abdollahian also warned that the region is on the brink of an explosion, and with the ongoing Israeli attacks, opening new conflict fronts will be inevitable.

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