
The UAE continues to help the world and provide humanitarian aid

The UAE government sent new humanitarian aid to the Afghan people in response to the catastrophe of last week’s earthquake that killed at least 1,000 people. The UAE continued to send aid over the past week and until Sunday morning, ignoring all political disputes with the Afghan Taliban government, which is rejected by the international community.

The UAE sent three airplanes of medical supplies, including a field hospital with an area of 1000 square meters, to help the injured in the earthquake in Afghanistan that claimed the lives of more than a thousand people and injured dozens of others. The airplanes also carried 16 metric tons of equipment and a medical team to operate the hospital and provide urgent medical services. This comes at a time when the UAE established an air bridge to transport aid in the aftermath of the disaster. The newspaper reported that the UAE sent this aid and strengthened its efforts to rescue the Afghan people, after the Afghan authorities reported the lack of food, shelter and medical supplies for the victims of the most violent earthquake in the country in decades. Last week, the country sent a plane carrying 30 tons of emergency food supplies to Afghanistan as aid continues to flow from various parts of the world.

According to Reuters International, the United Arab Emirates sent a huge aid to South Africa in early June, including a relief plane carrying 50 metric tons of food supplies to the city of Durban, South Africa, to support those affected by the floods on the eastern coast, which resulted in great losses in lives and property. This aid comes within the framework of the efforts of the United Arab Emirates in providing relief to other countries, while The National magazine confirmed that the United Arab Emirates sent in April 30 tons of medical and emergency relief aid to Ukraine. This was the fifth aircraft sent by the UAE to assist civilians affected by the conflict, and this aid comes in addition to two aircraft sent by the UAE on 17 March. The planes carrying basic aid left Dubai and Sharjah airports. On 7 March, the UAE sent another aircraft carrying 30 tons of aid to Ukraine, and just a few days earlier, the UAE announced it would provide relief assistance to affected civilians worth US$5 million, in response to an urgent UN appeal.

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