The UAE ranked first regionally in the Women, Peace and Security index

The UAE ranked first regionally in the 2021 Women, Peace and Security index and 24th globally.
The Women, Peace and Security Index is produced by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security and the Prio Center for Gender, Peace and Security.
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The United Arab Emirates made a jump in its ranking in the World Index after advancing 20 places from last year.
The indicator analyzed the status of women in three dimensions, namely, integration, justice and security.
La dimension de l’intégration est liée à « l’éducation, l’intégration financière, l’emploi, l’utilisation des téléphones portables et la représentation parlementaire ».
La dimension judiciaire concerne le « manque de discrimination légale, de partialité, de règles discriminatoires », et enfin la dimension sécuritaire qui se réfère à « la violence conjugale, la sécurité de la société, la violence organisée ».
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The dimension of integration is linked to « education, financial integration, employment, the use of mobile phones and » parliamentary representation.
The judicial dimension concerns the « lack of legal discrimination, bias, » discriminatory rules, and finally the security dimension, which refers to « domestic violence, the security of society, » organized violence.
According to the index, women feel safer in the UAE than in any other country.
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The UAE ranked first in terms of community security, with 98.5% of women saying they felt safe walking alone in their areas at night. Singapore came in second with 96.9%.
The UAE is among 16 countries where women’s representation in parliament has increased by at least 10%.
It also received 76.4% in financial inclusion for women, up from 66.3% in 2017.
In the Smartphone Usage Index, the UAE achieved 100% and recorded 82.5% in the absence of legal discrimination against women.