
Tips for safe driving during rainfall 

The Abu Dhabi Police General Command has urged drivers to adhere to safe driving practices during rainfall and weather fluctuations.

They emphasized the need to stay away from valleys and areas where water accumulates, avoid approaching power lines, open areas, and places close to trees during rainfall. Drivers are also encouraged to follow safety instructions and guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety.

Major Mahmoud Yousuf Al Baloushi, Director of Traffic and Patrols Directorate, called on drivers to exercise discipline while driving, especially during rainfall. He warned against reckless driving, imprudence, indifference, “drifting,” and taking risks by entering valleys, as well as not adhering to traffic laws and regulations.

He called for compliance with laws and a sense of responsibility by preserving roads, private and public properties, avoiding endangering the lives of drivers and others, and promoting positive behaviors to contribute to reducing traffic accidents and the resulting fatalities and severe injuries.

He emphasized that driving in rainy conditions requires following safety measures to ensure the safety of the vehicle’s driver and occupants. This includes maintaining the cleanliness of the car windows for clear visibility, maintaining the front lights of the car to improve visibility during driving, and replacing old tires with new ones to prevent skidding.

The Director of Traffic and Patrols Directorate stressed the importance of maintaining a suitable safety distance from other vehicles, avoiding sudden braking at high speeds, slowing down significantly when turning to prevent the car from sliding, and pulling over to the side of the road if visibility is impaired while driving.

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