
Tragedy in Sewage Network: Tourists Killed by Floods

The Russian news agency “TASS” announced the discovery of the bodies of 4 individuals in the sewage network in Moscow. Others are still missing after being trapped due to heavy rains during an underground tour.

The Mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, described the incident as a “horrific tragedy,” without specifying the number of victims.

Sobyanin stated that the search for the missing individuals is ongoing and that investigators are monitoring the details of what happened.

“TASS” reported that criminal proceedings have been initiated, and the organizers of the tour, which was described as illegal, are being questioned.

The Russian media agency stated that a total of 8 people were participating in the tour.

“TASS” quoted rescue workers as saying that heavy rain in Moscow on Sunday led to a sharp rise in water levels in the sewage network, preventing people from escaping to the surface.

Several guides offer tours in the extensive sewage network in Moscow, parts of which date back to the 19th century.

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