
Tunisian Analyst: Ennahdha uses false propaganda and pressures to undermine elections

As Tunisia prepares for the upcoming presidential elections this fall, the Islamist group represented by the Ennahda Movement and its allies seeks to cast doubt on the fairness of the elections, claiming lack of freedom and supporting an independent candidate in hopes of returning to the political scene after being rejected by Tunisian streets.

Ennahdha’s Failure

Many observers believe that the Islamist group is unable to disrupt the electoral process, having lost its previous popularity and proven its failure in governance, unable to meet the aspirations of Tunisians.

Tunisia is preparing for the presidential elections on time, between September and October, as announced by the head of the electoral commission, Farouk Bouasker, a week ago.

Ennahdha’s Lies

In this regard, Tunisian political analyst Dr. Osama Aouidat says that the Islamist movement is using false propaganda and exerting pressure on some Western circles concerned with freedoms and human rights to promote the idea that freedoms in the country are threatened by imprisoning its leaders.

He added that President Kais Saied still enjoys a majority, according to recent opinion polls, awaiting the outcome of electoral law revisions, the nature of competitors, and the fact that the announced candidates so far mostly lack popularity.

He noted that after its term ended, the Ennahdha group has nothing left but social media platforms managed from outside the country to promote false news and undermine the reform process in the country.

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