
Tunisian elderly man kills his wife by stabbing and sets her on fire

In a horrifying crime that occurred in Tunisia, specifically in the city of Kelibia in the Nabeul Governorate in the northeast of the country, a seventy-year-old man murdered his wife by stabbing her with a knife on Tuesday evening.

The elderly man killed his 65-year-old wife inside a shop owned by her, intended for selling used furniture, and then set the shop on fire.

The killer directed multiple stabbings with a knife at his wife inside the shop selling used furniture, resulting in her death before proceeding to set the entire shop on fire.

Furthermore, the murderer turned himself in to the local security forces, and the police authorities in the region have committed to investigating the matter and arresting the perpetrator, who came forward and confessed to his actions.

According to initial information, the reasons for this crime are related to family disputes.

A study released by the Tunisian Women’s Union previously revealed that Tunisia recorded 23 cases of female murders since the beginning of the current year until last August.

The same study indicated that Tunisia had 15 cases of female murders the previous year.

The study detailed that the Sfax Governorate in the central-eastern part of the country witnessed four crimes, followed by the Ariana Governorate and the Tunis Governorate with three murder cases each. The Nabeul and Sousse Governorates reported two murder cases each, while the rest of the cases were distributed among the remaining governorates at an average of one case per province.

The study showed that 38% of the murder cases involved stabbing with a knife (9 cases), 29% were committed with sharp objects (7 cases), 13% were by strangulation, 8% by slitting throats, 4% by running over with a car, and an equal number by throwing victims down wells.

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