
Tunisia’s Muslim Brotherhood and the Elections: Presidential Messages Expose Efforts to Gain Foreign Support

As the presidential elections draw near, amid fears of Muslim Brotherhood attempts to “disrupt” the democratic event, the Tunisian president has issued several messages.

The first of these messages was delivered by Kaïs Saïed, who called on the Ministry of Interior and security forces to be more vigilant and prepared for any attempts to stir unrest, calling them “desperate attempts that require historical responsibility to thwart according to the law.”

This was stated during Saïed‘s meeting on Friday at the Carthage Palace with Interior Minister Khaled Nouri to discuss the overall security situation in the country.

Presidential Messages 

According to a statement from the Tunisian presidency, Saïed praised the efforts of the security forces, along with the military, to maintain national security, calling for “increased vigilance against any attempts to destabilize various public areas, desperate attempts that must be thwarted with historical responsibility in accordance with the law.”

Saïed emphasized that “elections are not a war but a regular event scheduled at specific dates according to the Constitution,” noting that “certain factions, backed by lobbies connected to foreign entities, are not conducting a normal election campaign but a vicious campaign against the Tunisian state and the Tunisian people, the sole holders of sovereignty,” alluding to opposition parties, especially the Ennahdha movement, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia.

The Tunisian president also praised “the awareness shown by the Tunisian people, which history will record in golden letters, an awareness stronger than any social media pages, whose source and goals are well known and exposed.”

Presidential Elections 

The upcoming presidential elections will be the 12th in Tunisia and the third since 2011. They will pave the way for the election of the eighth President of the Republic for a five-year term, as stipulated by the Constitution.

The presidential elections in Tunisia are set for October 6. The electoral commission recently announced the acceptance of three candidates’ applications: current President Kaïs Saïed, Secretary-General of the People’s Movement Zouheir Maghzaoui, and the head of the “Azmoun” movement Ayachi Zammel.

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