
Turkey-backed armed faction leader killed in Syria’s Ras al-Ain

Kurdish media confirmed, Sunday, that the leader of an armed faction of the Turkish-backed Syrian opposition was killed when unknown gunmen attacked him in his residence in the city of Ras al-Ain in Al-Hasakah countryside, northeast Syria.

North Press Agency confirmed the death of Abdelkrim Hassan, also known as Abu Hassan al-Dairi, a leader of the Martyrs of al-Badr Brigade, which is affiliated with the al-Hamza Brigade.

The gunmen stormed al-Dairi’s house in Makhtla village, killing him and wounding three of his guards, the news agency said.

The agency added: The assassination was likely due to disagreements between him and another leader of the same faction over the proceeds of smuggling.

According to the news agency, al-Dairi is famous for committing murder, looting, and corruption within the area.

It said that the death of al-Dairi had revealed discrepancies within the Hamza division, as a leader and his followers surrendered yesterday to the Syrian government forces in the Al-Bab area in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo.

“Ras al-Ain and Tell Abyad in northern and north-eastern Syria have been under the control of the Turkish occupying forces and their armed factions since late 2019”; hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced. Since then, the region has been witnessing continuous security chaos.

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