
UAE sends emergency food and medical aid to Afghanistan

 The United Arab Emirates announced the dispatch of an airplane carrying urgent medical and food aid to Afghanistan.

According to the official Emirates News Agency (WAM), the aid comes “within the framework of contributing to providing basic and necessary needs for thousands of Afghan families, especially the most vulnerable groups such as women, children and the elderly”.

The step comes “within the framework of the humanitarian role played by the UAE in providing support to the Afghan people in such circumstances, and in the spirit of extending the UAE’s white hands to help the Afghan people and contribute to providing them with the necessary support and needs,” she said.

It continued: “For the time being, the UAE has not only provided humanitarian aid, but a few days ago the UAE hosted thousands of Afghan families and provided them with temporary care, in addition to taking all necessary measures to provide the necessary care and support to provide them with the necessities of a decent life.”

The UAE had earlier announced that it was temporarily hosting 8,500 Afghans in the “humanitarian Emirates” city.

The UAE foreign ministry said it granted 215 landing permits to diplomatic agents to use the country’s airports for evacuations from Kabul.

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