Middle east

UN Support for Houthis Sparks Government Disapproval and Public Outrage 

The internationally recognized Yemeni government expressed its astonishment at the United Nations Development Programme’s delivery of equipment and materials worth thousands of dollars to the Houthi rebels under the pretext of supporting mine-clearing operations in the province of Hodeidah, located in the northwestern part of the country and under their control.

The Houthi-affiliated news agency “Saba” reported last Monday that the Executive Center for Mine Action in Hodeidah received mine-clearing equipment and cluster bombs from the UNDP. The equipment included 300 mine detectors and scanners, with a value of $750,000 USD.

The Yemeni government deemed this as direct UN funding and support for the Houthi militias, as if they are being rewarded for their crimes against Yemenis. They also emphasized their demands for the United Nations to reconsider its dealings and policies with the Houthi rebels.

The government, in statements made by its Minister of Information, Moammar al-Eryani, via his personal Twitter account, stated on Wednesday evening that this support is unacceptable and contrary to all facts on the ground. It is seen as a disregard for the lives and suffering of tens of thousands of victims of Houthi mines.

Al-Eryani mentioned that the Houthi militias have planted mines in quantities greater than during World War II over the past 9 years, resulting in the deaths of about 7,000 civilians, mostly women and children.

According to Al-Eryani, the Houthi crimes are not limited to planting landmines and roadside bombs. They have also planted maritime mines and booby-trapped international navigation routes in the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, targeting commercial and oil ships as well as civilian fishing boats, causing various material and human losses.

The Yemeni minister pointed out that since their takeover of the state, the Houthi militias haven’t removed a single mine. Their media has shown their leaders visiting mine and explosive device manufacturing facilities. They have also revived many military exhibitions under the guise of war industries, showcasing their production of land and maritime mines.

Al-Eryani expressed regret that the international community’s funding of UN relief programs is used to provide rewards and incentives to the Houthis. Meanwhile, the victims of their mines among civilians, numbering in the tens of thousands, are in dire need of support and medical care.

Meanwhile, Yemeni social media users initiated an online campaign with the hashtag “#UN_Supports_Mine_Planting” which gained significant attention and participation. Through this campaign, Yemenis expressed their frustration and anger regarding the UN’s engagement with the Houthi militias and its apparent overlooking of their blatant violations and crimes.

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