Violent Clashes between Brotherhood Factions in Taiz Over Market Levies – Details
The city of Taiz, located in central Yemen, is experiencing heightened tensions following violent clashes that erupted on Friday night and continued into the early hours of Saturday between two military forces affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
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According to local sources cited by the “Al-Omanaa” website, the violent clashes broke out between members of the 170th Brigade and the 22nd Brigade, both aligned with the Brotherhood-affiliated Islah Party in Taiz. The clashes resulted in casualties and injuries on both sides, as well as significant losses among civilians and their properties, which were damaged due to the intense confrontations.
The sources indicated that the clashes were triggered by a dispute over control of the Al-Jahim Market, located near the Houban passage, which is under Houthi militia control. Leaders of both brigades are reportedly vying for control of the market to seize the levies imposed there, amounting to millions of riyals.
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Security forces intervened to halt the clashes and restore order. However, the fighting led to the temporary closure of the Houban passage for several hours before it was reopened on Saturday morning.
Taiz has seen an increasing struggle among armed groups vying for control of markets, which have become a primary source of income for military leaders and influential figures.
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Amid widespread arms proliferation and the absence of state authority to secure these vital facilities, citizens and merchants bear the brunt. They are forced to pay illegal levies and taxes that benefit the leaders of these armed groups, deepening the suffering of the city’s residents and worsening its fragile security situation.