Warning Signs about the Health of Elderly Individuals

There are some clear signs, as well as more subtle ones, indicating that an elderly person is struggling.
If you are concerned about an elderly relative, you likely know them well enough to notice any changes in their behavior.
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With that in mind, here are some signs that suggest an elderly person may need additional help or more consistent care, according to NewCare:
Changes in Eating Habits
It is common for appetite to slow down as we age. While this can be a natural part of aging, you should be concerned about an elderly relative if you notice a drastic change in the amount or type of food they eat.
A sudden loss of appetite leading to weight loss may result from an illness affecting their ability to eat.
An elderly person refusing to eat can be a warning sign and an indication that they now require extra help with basic tasks.
Loss of Mobility
A typical sign to watch for when concerned about an elderly relative is if they are experiencing more difficulty moving around than before.
Loss of mobility is not only frustrating for elderly individuals, but it also has a ripple effect.
The inability to move freely may lead to skipped meals, avoiding bathroom breaks, and feelings of loneliness and lethargy.
Personal Care
Basic self-care may no longer be possible if an elderly person can no longer look after themselves as they once did. Signs of concern for an elderly relative include:
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- Dirty clothes
- Unkempt appearance
- Unusual body odors
- Weight loss
- Bruises
Forgetfulness happens to all of us and is a natural part of aging. However, frequent or significant memory lapses should raise concerns.
Personality Changes
Decline in physical and mental health may also bring about personality changes. This might appear as poor decision-making, rude behavior, or unusual withdrawal.
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Falls or Accidents
A serious fall can signal declining health in an elderly person or may be a symptom of an existing condition.
You might feel concerned after noticing bruises or hearing about multiple falls they have experienced.
Falls and accidents must be taken seriously. It may be time to have a conversation about the next stage of care options available.