
What is the Iranian people’s stance on the Israeli aggression on Gaza? 

Iran International Channel highlighted the Iranian people’s stance on the Palestinian issue and Israel’s aggression on the Gaza Strip, with its massacres against civilians.

According to the channel, Iran has not witnessed any popular expression of solidarity with the Palestinians since Israel began its aggression on Gaza, despite a wave of pro-Palestinian demonstrations around the world. Nasser Emani, a conservative journalist and strong supporter of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, acknowledged in an interview conducted the day before yesterday that many ordinary Iranians “oppose everything favored by the Iranian regime and support everything opposed by the regime.”

Emani added: “Of course, when you have foreign TV channels in your home all day, broadcasting news biased in favor of the United States and Israel, you cannot expect anything other than this.” He was referring to foreign Persian-language broadcasting stations such as Iran International, Manoto TV, based in London, Voice of America, and BBC Persian.

There is no real solidarity movement in Iran towards the Palestinians, but matters did not stop at this point. Many Iranians took to social media to support Israel, and Iranians abroad participated in demonstrations in support of the Zionist entity.

In London, for example, several Iranians joined the pro-Israel march, waving pre-revolution Iranian flags. One Iranian activist, Lili Bazargan, took to the stage to present her point of view to the audience.

Lili Bazargan, an Iranian producer and activist, said: “The Islamic Republic regime, the biggest supporter, trainer, and financier of terrorism in the Middle East, holds my entire people hostage.”

She claimed that “the Iranian people stand by you,” referring to the gathering that waves Israeli flags.

Similar cases have been announced in the past few days in the United States, Belgium, Canada, and Germany, where Iranians joined the front lines of the marches, carrying the famous Iranian pre-1979 revolution flag with the image of Reza Shah, the last Shah of Iran.

The slogan “Neither Gaza, nor Lebanon, I’ll sacrifice for Iran” seems to have been repeated in many protests in Iran for at least a decade.

It seems that many Iranians are dismayed by the fact that their government spends money in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine, while Iranians suffer from a faltering economy.

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