
Will the ICC arrest Saif al-Islam Kadhafi?

The International Criminal Court asked all countries yesterday to cooperate with it to arrest presidential candidate Saif Al-Islam Kadhafi, who is still at large, in order to appear before it on suspicion of committing crimes against humanity, according to Reuters.


The International Criminal Court said in a press statement: “Saif al-Islam Kadhafi is still wanted for trial for “crimes against humanity” during the 2011 attempt to quell protests against his father’s regime and maintains that his arrest warrant is still in effect and that his legal status will not change”.

Previously, Saif al-Islam thanked the judges for accepting his appeal against the decision of the Electoral Commission to exclude him from the candidacy.

A month ago, Kadhafi submitted his candidacy papers for the presidential elections in his country, after years of underground political activity. However, the High Electoral Commission, which manages the electoral process in Libya, excluded him from the preliminary list of candidates, on the grounds that he did not meet the conditions for running, before the Sebha court ruled in final terms to return him to the presidential race, after accepting his appeal.

The political scene in Libya is in turmoil following the emergence of Saif al-Islam Kadhafi, his nomination and acceptance in the presidential race, and his publication in opinion polls as the most likely candidate to win the presidency; political forces are refusing to allow him to run for any future office in the country, and his decision to boycott the elections and prepare to prevent them.

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