
“With an Emotional Letter”.. Woman Commits Suicide at Her Daughter’s Graduation Ceremony

Larissa Brady, 53, sent a final emotional message to her daughter at her graduation ceremony. She approached her during the ceremony at the Ohio State Stadium, USA, to tell her that she “loves her and will always be her mother,” before climbing the stadium’s concrete wall and jumping off to end her life.

According to “People” magazine, the mother died from the injuries sustained in the fall, and after months of investigation, it was determined that she had committed suicide.

The mother had a known history of bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and anxiety, according to the coroner’s report.

Her husband told investigators that she had attempted suicide twice before and had stopped taking her medications.

It is unclear whether the troubled mother went to the ceremony with the intention of committing suicide.

Larissa, a mother of two, entered the Ohio stadium with her husband and 12-year-old son to attend her daughter’s graduation ceremony.

Family members spoke to their daughter moments before taking their seats. As everyone began to sit down to watch the ceremony, Larissa took the opportunity to withdraw.

She told her family she wanted to move to a higher spot in the stadium.

Eyewitnesses saw the mother walking towards the last row of seats and climbing over the concrete walls before falling 150 feet to her death.

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