
With Diplomacy and Bandage: Trump Courts Kim and Attacks Biden

With a bandage on his right ear, Donald Trump appeared at the end of the Republican Party conference in Milwaukee, and that wasn’t his only “weapon” in front of his supporters.

Trump did not surprise the attendees by discussing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, but he made waves by expressing his belief that Kim “misses him,” in a public flirtation that seemed laden with barbs aimed at his successor and opponent, Joe Biden.

In an attack on the current White House administration’s foreign policy, Trump said during his speech at the Republican Party conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: “I agree with him, and he might want to see me again. I think he misses me.”

Trump added: “It’s good to have a good relationship with the North Korean leader.” Trump had met the North Korean leader personally during his previous term.

The Charm of the Bandage

Trump, who turned an assassination attempt into a weapon for his election campaign, did not hesitate to recount the details of what he experienced on Saturday during his first speech since surviving the incident.

He spoke of the event, saying: “God was on my side.”

He added that he knew immediately he was “under attack” when gunfire occurred during a large rally he was holding last weekend.

He continued: “I immediately knew it was very serious, that we were under attack,” but “I felt very safe because God was on my side.”

He noted that “the bullet almost ended my life,” mentioning that if he hadn’t moved his head at the last moment, the bullet would have hit its target exactly.

He praised the work of Secret Service agents, considering them as putting themselves at risk.

The bandage Trump has been wearing on his right ear since the incident has become something of a new “cry” in the fashion world at the Republican conference in Milwaukee, where many supporters wore fake bandages as a symbolic gesture of support for Donald Trump.

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