With the Heat Wave: Tips to Protect Your Children in the Scorching Summer

High temperatures pose a significant danger to children as their bodies heat up three to five times faster than those of adults.
Hassan Mohamed Ibrahim, a pediatric specialist, explains that children and infants do not adapt to heat like adults because they do not sweat much.
Additionally, Dr. Samer Saadeh, a pediatrician at Medcare Medical Center, notes that children have a larger body surface area relative to body mass, which increases water and sweat loss.
Signs of children being affected by heat include hot hands and feet, constant crying, intense thirst, paleness, and fewer wet diapers. For older children, signs include extreme fatigue and low energy.
Tips for Parents to Protect Children from Extreme Heat:
- Stay indoors during the hottest part of the day.
- Give children a daily bath.
- Set the air conditioner to a comfortable temperature.
- Stay under covered or shaded areas when going outside.
- Use sunscreen with an SPF of higher than 50.
- Choose light-colored clothing and avoid overdressing them.
- Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water or sports drinks.
Parents should avoid leaving children unattended in the car, not give them caffeinated drinks, and if the temperature is above 35 degrees Celsius, not rely solely on a fan to cool them.