
Without reasons, Turkey announces the cancellation of the visit of the Iranian President

The Turkish presidency told “AFP” that the Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi, “will not carry out his scheduled visit to Ankara on Tuesday,” without mentioning reasons.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had announced this visit earlier in the current month, indicating at that time that he and his Iranian counterpart would focus on formulating a joint response to the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The last communication between the two presidents was last Sunday when the Turkish President and his Iranian counterpart discussed the importance of taking a joint stance against the Israeli war in Palestinian territories during a phone call.

The Turkish presidency said in a statement, “During the phone call, the illegal Israeli attacks on Gaza, humanitarian aid efforts for Palestinians, and possible measures to achieve a permanent ceasefire in the region were discussed.”

It continued: “During the conversation, the illegal Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip were discussed, along with providing humanitarian aid to the Palestinians and the steps that can be taken to achieve a permanent ceasefire in the region.”

The statement went on to say, “President Erdogan emphasized the need for the Islamic world to take a unified stance against the Israeli atrocities in Palestinian territories.”

The statement also said that Erdogan, during the call, pointed out that Iran and Turkey will continue to work together to make the temporary ceasefire permanent and achieve lasting peace.

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