Middle east

Yemen – The Houthis are spoiling the UN truce, pushing the country to hell

After extensive UN attempts, the UN revealed that negotiations between Yemen’s warring parties on a nationwide ceasefire had failed, as the parties failed to reach an agreement before the deadline and extend the nationwide ceasefire; In a statement, the UN envoy to Yemen called on all parties to refrain from acts of provocation as the talks continue, after an October 2 deadline for an extension of the agreement passed.

Houthi Blocks Truce

The devastating conflict began in 2014 when the Iran-backed Houthis took over the capital Sana’a and much of northern Yemen and forced the government to flee. The Arab coalition intervened in 2015 to try to bring the internationally recognized government back to power and save the people from the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, ABC reported.

The network added in its report that the UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, said he “regrets that an agreement was not reached today.”

The Truce Violation

Observers blamed the Houthi militia for the danger of starvation that threatens millions of people, according to AFP, which pointed out that tens of thousands of Yemenis need remedies that are not available in the country whose infrastructure was destroyed, especially that more than 80% of the Yemeni people are completely dependent on aid. This was confirmed by Elisabeth Kendall, expert in the Middle East affairs for AFP, where she described the Houthi militia’s demands as unrealistic at this early stage, and that they are the ones who spoiled the UN truce by insisting on demanding concessions that will be very difficult to offer in the absence of any organized safety talks, stressing that the current impression clearly shows that the Houthis are not interested in the continuation of the UN truce.

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