Middle east

Yemeni Analyst: Crimes by the Brotherhood and Houthis Against the People Have Not Stopped

A Yemeni analyst has affirmed that the crimes committed by the Brotherhood and the Houthi militias against the people have not ceased 

New international warnings have emerged regarding malnutrition among thousands of children in the southern cities of Yemen due to the Houthi war and the collaboration of the Brotherhood militias with them. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has issued a warning about the increasing cases of severe malnutrition in 6 governorates during the second half of the current year, as the food security crisis continues to worsen.

The Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood continues their games… Details 


The report has revealed that the number of individuals suffering from acute malnutrition is expected to increase during the period from June to December 2023, due to the worsening food security situation.

According to the report, the number of people facing severe acute food insecurity remains extremely high, causing significant concern in the areas analyzed in the latest Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) for food security, conducted in the southern provinces.

Houthi and Brotherhood Crimes

Abdul Kareem Al-Ansi, the head of the Yemen First organization, states that international warnings about malnutrition in various areas, and that the most vulnerable to worsening severe malnutrition are the provinces of Abyan, Shabwah, Dhale, and Lahij.

He affirmed that the relationship between the Brotherhood and the Houthis has become deep, complex, and evident, especially in the southern regions of Yemen, where elements from the Brotherhood participated in fighting alongside the Houthis in several areas against the forces of the Transitional Council and the internationally recognized Yemeni government.

He pointed out that one of the causes of the humanitarian disasters currently occurring in Yemen is the Houthis and the Brotherhood due to the major crimes they have committed against the Yemeni people.

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